1st, International Children's Day in the US

To order send a check to:
"M"Soul Productions, P.O. BOX 301
Summit, NJ - 07902 -0301
Value: $ 10 plus $ 2, handling - mailing.
Also, the CDs are available at Scotti's Music Shops in: Summit,
Madison, Gillette, Morristown, for $10.
Proceeds are donated to Music Camp Fund for the needy children,
through Summit Area Public Foundation. |
21 songs from around the world
dedicated to June 1st International Children's Day.
Among them, the title song "Our Day, Children's
Day" was composed by Margareta Paslaru.
The Independent Press
May 21, 2003
SUMMIT - Now in its third year, International Children's Day will
be hosted at the Summit Area YMCA, 67 Maple St., on Sunday, June
1st. This year, Brayton Elementary School at the corner of Tulip
Street and Ashland Road has been designated to represent the
fourth grade. Principal Cheryl Moretz said, "It should be
very exciting." A school poster contest\ produced a winner,
Joe Weils, whose design of a tree of life represents the
connection among all people. The founder of the International
Children's Day in Summit, Margaret Paslaru, said in an interview,
"Children see the world through such innocent eyes. Their
drawings are wonderful, with doves and messages of peace and
people holding hands. It's amazing how creative children
are." Ms. Paslaru said she sees children of the world as
building "bridges of friendship". A cornucopia of
activities include art, music, sport and games, all designed for
families and children. At 10 a.m. Friday, May 30, the Brayton
School Chorus will perform "Our Day, Children's Day"
during the Summit public's Memorial Day ceremonies on the Village
Grenn. The song was written by Ms. Paslaru.
At 3:30pm that day, opening festivities of the International
Children's Day Art Exchange will be held at NJCVA. The Global
exhibition includes selections of children's art from the Janney
Elementary School in Washington, D.C. Summit's "sister
city" for 2003. Ms. Paslaru said Kathy Keenan a parent at
Janney Elementary, has stepped forward as chairwoman of the
Washington event. On the global front, children's art from London,
England; Calcutta, India; Jerusalem, Israel; and Transylvania,
Romania; will be displayed. An added flourish this year was a
recent visit from The Reverend Alpar Kiss of Transylvania.
According to a member of The Unitarian Church in Summit, Rev. Kiss
had been a fan of Ms. Paslaru's when she was an artist and
performer in Romania. When he arrived in Summit, he brought 10
children's drawings with him to be a part of the exhibit. The
Unitarian Church in Summit has had a partnership with the
Unitarian Church in Transylvania for 10 years.
Mayor Walter Long of Summit and Mayor Anthony A. Williams of
Washington, D.C. are honorary chairmen of the event. The art
exhibit can be seen from May 30 to June 7. From 5 to 9 p.m. on
Saturday, May 31, Dance Innovations members will perform at the
Women's Club in Maplewood to benefit Rainbows of Summit, which
provides counseling to children who are grieving. The "Kids
for Kids" performance will include choreographed dancing with
flags to Ms. Paslaru's original song, "Our Day, Children's
Day." During the weekend of May 31, houses of worship will
offer prayers for the children of the world. Although
International Children's Day has been celebrated world-wide,
starting in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1925, the event has long been
neglected in this country, according to organizers.
Under Ms.Paslaru's leadership, the event grew from Summit to
include proclamations by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in 2001
and 2002 and in Washington by Mayor Anthony Williams in 2002 and
2003. Through the efforts of Mayor Long, proclamations have been
issued by more than 20 state governors. Co-Chairs for the
celebration are Common Councilwomen Joyce Margie and P. Kelly
Hatfield of Summit, Sally Ponzio and Kathy DiFiore of New
Providence and Susan McCutcheon Coutts of Dance Innovations in
Chatham. Also volunteering are Angela Jelesco of Champaign, III.,
and Gwen Loiacono of Wilmington, N.C. Ms.Paslaru said Phil
Lindabury a trustee at Summit Free Public Library, designed the
program for the event, and Millie Cooper and Eric Pryor on behalf
of the N.J.Center for Visual Arts offered the facility to display
the children's artwork. Activities will be videotaped for the
"Human Mosaics" programon TV36 and Comcast Channel 57.
Call Ms. Paslaru at "M"Soul Productions at 273-4729 for
By Liz Keill
Summit Observer, Echo
Thursday, April 1, 2004
Legislators, volunteers help give Children's Day
jump start
At the kick-of event to the International Children's Day celebration,
planed for June 1, organizers and participants gathered to discuss their
plans. From rear left are Margarita Paslaru of Summit, Michael Knowlton,
superintendent of schools; former Councilwoman Joyce Margie and Franklin
School Principal Sheila Cole. From front left are Sen. Thomas Kean Jr.
and Assemblymen Jon Bramnick and Eric Munoz.

New York - 6 Iunie - 2003
Aflam dintr-o corespondenta sosita la redactie, ca actiunea
initiata de Fundatia "Principesa Margareta a Romaniei" de a
organiza o sarbatoare a copiilor in dimineata zilei de 1 iunie,
la Bucuresti, s-a bucurat de un deosebit succes.
(...) Deschizand ceremonia, A.S.R. Principesa Margareta a
"Azi, de ziua celor mici, la palatul Elisabeta, 45 de copii au
construit POARTA COPILARIEI. Invit pe toti cei mari sa
treaca prin ea spre Taramul Copiilor, o lume in care pot fi
intalnite dreptul la viata, la educatie, la asistenta medicala,
la ocrotire parinteasca, la joc si fericire. Va invit sa ne urmati!"
(...) Reamintim ca in USA cunoscuta solista ( si astazi,
de asemenea, reputata activista culturala si teleasta in statul NJ)
d-na Margareta Paslaru a inceput si sustine o viguroasa actiune
pentru reintroducerea - la nivel federal - a sarbatoririi Zilei
Internationale a Copilului, manifestare care a fost initiata intre
cele doua Razboaie Mondiale, la San Francisco, in Statele Unite.

Photo by Jackie Burkett
International Children's Day coordinator Margareta Paslaru
accepts a fourth grader's rendering of people, parks and
rainbows from The Reverend Alpar Kiss at The Unitarian
Church in Summit. The local church has a partnership with the
Unitarian Church in Transylvania, and Rev. Kiss brought 10
children's drawings to be exhibited during the event.
Newsletter editat de ISRO - Press,
prima agentie de presa israeliana de limba romana
Anul lV, nr.259, Duminica 26 Ianuarie 2003
10. Elevi din
Ierusalim - la expozitia internationala de desene
organizata de Margareta Paslaru
Nota publicata de newsletterul nostru privind dorinta cunoscutei
cantarete Margareta Paslaru - domiciliata acum in Statele Unite -
de a invita si copii din Israel sa trimita lucrari la o expozitie
internationala de desene organizata anul acesta la New Jersay, a
avut ecou. Mai multi profesori din Haifa, Tel Aviv, Ierusalim si
din alte localitati s-au oferit sa asigure participarea elevilor
de clasa a cincea din scolile lor. Cel mai prompt a reactionat
scoala "Dukma" din Ierusalim, unde sunt 60 de elevi de
clasa a cincea. In lucrarile lor vor fi selectate cele zece desene
ce vor fi trimise la expozitie. In acest fel, Israelul este
singura tara din Orientul Apropiat care a confirmat prezenta la
"International Children's Day - Art Exchange", expozitie
care simbolizeaza "Pacea si prietenia vazuta prin ochii
nevinovati ai copiilor".
De mentionat ca, "M"Soul Production - fundatia creata de
Margareta Paslaru - va filma si anul acesta un mini-documentar
despre numeroasele activitati dedicate zilei de 1 iunie, Ziua
Internationala a Copiilor, traditie care a debutat la Geneva, in
1925, in cadrul "World Conference for the Well Being of
The Summit Collection -
July 2002
Opening Ceremony for International Children's Day
By Susan Smith

From left, Joyce Margie, John Maher,
Jack Dunn, Mayor Long and Margareta Paslaru
The opening ceremonies at the Children's
Art Exchange and Show at the New Jersey Center for Visual
Arts, kicked off the June 1st. festivities. Councilwoman
Joyce Margie and Madison, NJ's Mayor, Jack Dunn, look on
while Summit's Mayor Walter D. Long announces that 27
Proclamations were received officially declaring June 1st
International Children's Day. The
overwhelming response was due solely to the effort of
Mayor Long. He sent letters spreading the June 1st spirit
to over 50 states, countries and municipalities. His
enthusiasm, inspired by Margarita Paslaru-Sencovici,
convinced half of the country's governors to declare and
set aside this special day for children. Next year goal is
to celebrate with the other half of the country and to
have President Bush make this a national holiday! With the
team of Long and Paslaru, how can he refuse?
Margareta Paslaru a fost distinsa cu premiul anual "Women of Excellence" de catre Senatul statului New Jersey
Meridianul Romanesc 13 Aprilie - 2002 - USA
George Rosianu
Compatrioata noastra Margareta Paslaru, renumita
interpreta de muzica
usoara, populara si internationala, precum si talentata actrita
de teatru si film, este stabilita de aproape 20 de ani in statul New
Jersey, unde desfasoara o activitate multilaterala voluntara in domeniul
artei si al operelor
umanitare, incununata de succese depline.
La 22 martie a.c., Senatul si General Assembly din New Jersey
emite o rezolutie prin care o onoreaza pe Margareta Paslaru cu premiul
"Women of Excellence" pentru merite deosebite
(pe care le vom vedea mai jos) la categoria "Arta si Umanitate".
Intr-adevar, Comisia de selectionare s-a orientat perfect cand a
propus-o pe dna Margareta Paslaru pentru aceasta inalta
distinctie, tinandu-se seama de prestigioasa cariera de peste 40
de ani in slujba Thaliei si luminile
rampei. Voi spicui in cele ce urmeaza cateva date din rezolutia
Comisiei de
"Margareta Paslaru, rezidenta in Summit-New Jersey, este o
talentata, o solista de muzica usoara de talie internationala,
remarcabila actrita de teatru si film, care, alaturi de
arta, si-a dedicat timpul operelor umanitare." Astfel,
Margaretei Paslaru nu
i-a fost greu sa observe ca din calendarul american lipseste o
zi foarte importanta de
sarbatorit, si anume ziua de 1 Iunie, care in mai mult de 25 de
tari este aniversata ca
"Ziua Internationala a Copilului", unde cantecele, baloanele,
paradele sau simplele celebrari reprezinta clipe de bucurie si veselie
pentru copiii de
pretutindeni. Hotarata sa indrepte aceasta omisiune, dna
Margareta Paslaru a luat initiativa de a face ceva in acest
Pentru inceput, a reusit sa convinga municipalitatea din
Summit si din San Francisco, California, care au declarat anul
trecut, ziua de 1 Iunie ca "Ziua Internationala a Copilului".
Este un pas inainte spre indeplinirea dezideratului ca si in America si
pretutindeni in
lume, sa fie aniversata ziua de 1 Iunie, asa cum se aniverseaza
in fiecare an pe tot cuprinsul Statelor Unite ale
Americii, "Ziua Mamei" si "Ziua Tatalui", cu respectul ce se
cuvine acordat parintilor
nostri. Speram ca nu este departe momentul cand initiativa
Margaretei Paslaru va convinge toate statele americane sa cinsteasca asa
cum se cuvine aceasta importanta
"Zi a copilului", pentru ca ei sunt cei care reprezinta viitorul
Un alt deziderat al dnei Margareta Paslaru pe care si-ar dori sa
se indeplineasca este apelul pe care l-a adresat
publicului, de a dona instrumente uzate, care sa fie atribuite
copiilor talentati ce dovedesc interes pentru
muzica. Pentru ca Margareta Paslaru are in palmaresul ei
artistic 700 de inregistrari muzicale-turnee in 29 de tari - 400 de
interpretari cu Opera de Trei
Parale, sute de concerte, aparitii pe ecran, si pentru ca
Margareta este initiatoarea programului muzical de la Overlook Hospital,
intitulat "Music is the medicine" si a programului "Sleeping with a
smile" dedicat copiilor
spitalizati, carora li se citesc povesti la patul de suferinta.
asemenea, varstnicilor le sunt oferite programe muzicale. Si
pentru ca neprecupetind eforturile si
timpul, Margareta este alaturi de organizatia SAGE "Meals on
Wheels" care distribuie gratuit mancare calda la domiciliul oamenilor in
Ca proprietara a companiei "M"Soul Productions", Margareta si-a
completat activitatea multilaterala in
arta, cu o noua pasiune, si anume aceea de producatoare de
emisiuni documentare pentru micul ecran al canalului de televiziune
Pentru toate cele relatate mai sus, i s-a acordat dnei
Margareta Paslaru diploma de "Women of Excellence", pe care a
meritat-o cu prisosinta. Incheind, cred ca sunt in asentimentul
cititorilor nostrii de a o felicita pe ambasadoarea cantecului romanesc
pe pamantul
american, dorindu-i noi succese in munca pe care o desfasoara,
pentru a inveseli inimile copiilor loviti de soarta si a varstnicilor
nevoiasi, indiferent de rasa ori religie.
(...) Alaturat prezentam in facsimil diploma emisa de Senatul
statului New Jersey prin care se onoreaza munca voluntara depusa de dna
Margareta Paslaru in
domeniul" Arta si Umanitate"
The Independent Press - Wednesday, April 10, 2002

IN THE TOP TEN - Margareta Paslaru of Summit, far left, was among the 10 honorees
at a recent Women of Excellence Dinner at Westwood restaurant in Garwood. She was
nominated by the Union County Commission on the Status of Women for her work in
the field of arts and humanities. Offering congratulations are Freeholders, from left,
Rick Proctor, Deborah Scanlon and Angel G. Estrada.

"SUMMIT OBSERVER" Thursday, April 11,

Standing on the steps of City Hall in San
Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., Summit resident Margareta
Paslaru and fifth-graders from San Francisco's Tenderloin School.
Students from both the Tenderloin School and Washington School are
helping Paslaru make June 1st International Children's Day
With Music, Summit resident bridges gap between east and
west (excerpts)
By Joan M.
Always ready to
portray talent in others, especially children, Summit resident and
producer at Channel 36 television Margareta Paslaru downplayed her
own role in two recent honors she has received. "If it were
nor for the children and their natural talent, I could not have
done it," she insisted. What she did was unite fifth graders from coast-to-coast in
film: fifth-graders at Tenderloin
in San Francisco
and fifth-graders at
Middle School
in sharing music and art for
International Children's Day. With her background as a performing
artist in movies and television in her native Romania,
Paslaru, a singer, musician and
composer, wrote words and music to a lilting melody called
"Our Day, Children's Day" which capture the children
from both coasts. The fifth- graders from Washington
performed the song, in voice and
instrument, at a recent school board meeting and made a big hit.
They received much applause, but Paslaru was sick that night and
not there to hear their tribute to her music. The fifths-graders have exchanged art-work with the children at
San Francisco
school, who also sang and performed
the music. Both schools are helping Paslaru in making June 1st
their own special day. "We have Mother's Day;we have Father's
Day," reasoned Paslaru," why not a Children's Day?"
Her logic makes sense; the day has been celebrated all over
for many years. Co-Chairperson of
's Children's Day, Councilwoman
Joyce Margie, through a mutual friend, connected Paslaru with San Francisco. (.....) Why
San Francisco? "Because it was actually
started there in 1925, but somehow the celebration died out: now,
Mayor Brown, together with Summit Mayor Walter Long, declared June
1st as International Children's Day there and here," said
Paslaru. The two mayors are honorary chairmen of the day in
their respective cities, while in
Summit, Paslaru and Margie are
co-chairpersons. But there is more. Paslaru was named one of 10 "Woman of
Excellence" of Women in Union
County, honored for her work in arts and
humanities, and for promoting International Children's Day here
and through the world. At a recent diner she was presented with a
plaque of recognition from the Board of Chosen Freeholders of
Union County and a citation from the Senate and General Assembly
of the State of
New Jersey. The citation read, "For the
Status of Women's Excellence Award in the field of Arts and
Humanities." Although she never mentions it, a mother herself, she has always
been active in children's causes. She volunteers at Overlook
to read stories to the smaller
patients, and with her accent and inflections, keeps them
spellbound, according to the hospital staff. She has recorded a production of children performing, called
"The Human Mosaics: Preparing for International Children's
Day 2002," which came out so well with the natural enthusiasm
of children from all backgrounds, is now a CD available at
Scotti's Record Stores in the area. All proceeds go to a music
camp fund to provide music training for needy inner-city children.
(....) As for her music, "Our Day, Children's Day," has caught
on. "We are the future - think about each otherright
now," say the lyrics. In these times, the simple melody and
message seem especially meaningful. Paslaru said, "I will
really be happy when Children's Day -June 1st - is marked on every
calendar in America, like it is in Europe, and we start by having it in our
April - 2002
International Children's Day UPDATE:
By Susan Smith
Margareta Paslaru, wearing her TV36 producer's hat, has just
returned from San Francisco, whereshe filmed Mayor Willie Lewis
Jr. and the exchange of art from San Francisco's Tenderloin
School's 5th
graders, to Summit's Washington School's 5th graders, a by
product of
last year's International Children's Day held in both Summit and
Francisco's children, created in various mediums, depicts peace,
and friendship, and will be on display in June at The New Jersey
Center for Visual Arts in Summit. The film footage Margareta came away
with will air during April on TV36 & Comcast, on Human Mosaics.
This next piece of the continuing series will be titled "Summit-San
Francisco: A Bridge of Friendship." Mayor Brown again, in honor and appreciation of the children of the
world, proclaimed June 1st, 2002 as International Children's Day in his
City as has Mayor Walter Long of Summit. Margareta, co-chair of
International Children's Day, presented Mayor Brown with a gift of art
from Carol Friend, principal of Washington School. The drawing shows a
sea of multiracial children's faces. This was a project done by the Washington 5th graders. Along with that,
a Summit Centennial baseball cap and a book on the history of Summit
were presented to Mayor Brown on behalf of Mayor Long. June 1st events
are now being finalized and will be made public in May. Anyone wanting
to be involved please contact Margareta Paslaru (908 )273-4729 or,
The highlights of this year's event will be the release of the CD
featuring Washington School's fifth graders singing the title song
"Our Day, Children's Day" (Music/Lyrics: Margareta Paslaru).
The remaining 20 songs are sung by local Summit children in fifteen
languages! With the jachet completed, the CD is waiting to fill the
shelves of local businesses as well as all of Scotti's Record Shops,
with all of the proceeds going to "The Music Camp Fund" at the
Summit Public Foundation.This fund has been set up to provide assistance
for needy children who wish to attend the camp.
Update - Winter 2002
Editor: Catherine Fernandez
School students help promote International Children's Day
all familiar with Mother's Day and Father's Day, but how many of us
celebrate Children's Day? If a local TV producer, the mayor of Summit,
and the fifth graders of Washington School are successful in their
efforts, International Children's Day will be added to every America's
Margareta Paslaru, a TV producer and local resident, fondly recalls
celebrating International Children's Day in her native Roumania. The day
is observed in about 25 countries, but has never been officially
celebrated in the U.S. Ms. Paslaru is spearheading a campaign to have
the day recognized nationally and has enlisted the aid of Washington
School's fifth graders in promoting the cause.
Ms. Paslaru composed "Our Day, Children's Day," as a theme
song for her campaign. (.....) As a further inspiration for her campaign Ms. Paslaru conceived of
producing a CD featuring "Our Day, Children's Day" as its
centerpiece. With Washington School as the host for 2002 Memorial Day
ceremony, the Washington fifth graders were invited to be the recording
artists for the song. They will also sing it at the ceremony, which is
scheduled for May 23 at 10 a.m."The children were so enthusiastic at the prospect of
recording the song, " said Washington School principal Carol Friend. "It was really a unique opportunity they
were being offered."Under the direction Washington School's music
teacher, Marilyn Casale-Lee, the students began rehearsing "Our
Day, Children's Day" for the recording. Ms.Paslaru videotaped the
rehearsals and the result is a TV-36 program entitled "Human
Mosaics: Preparing for International Children's Day 2002," which
will air on Tuesdays throughout February at 7 p.m. Before the holidays, the students recorded the CD, which will be
available at all Scotti's Records Stores in the area. Proceeds from the
CD will be donated to a music camp fund that will provide assistance for
music training for needy inner city children.
Support on both coasts
Summit Mayor Walter Long has shown his support for the
effort by declaring June 1st as "International Children's Day"
in Summit. And the campaign has already reached the west coast, where
San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. has joined the cause. The two
mayors are honorary chairs of the International Children's Day
Committee, based in Summit and chaired by Ms.Paslaru and Common Council
member Joyce Margie. A student art exchange between the Washington fifth graders
and students from San Francisco is planned for exhibit at the New Jersey
Center for Visual Arts in Summit in the spring.
Summit Collection" - January 2002
A committee, under
the leadership of Mayor Walter Long, is busy making plans for Summit's
second annual International Children's Day on June 1st. The
highlights of this year's events will be the release of a new children CD
featuring our own Washington School's fifth graders singing "Our Day,
Children's Day". The CD will be available at all the Scotti's Record
Store locations with all proceeds going to "The Music Camp
Fund", at the Summit Area Public Foundation, set up to provide
assistance for a music camp for needy children. Mayor Long and Mayor Willie Brown Jr. of San Francisco are co-chairing the
International Children's partnership in an art exchange between children
at Washington School, and children in San Francisco. Keep your eyes open
for events being planned at the Summit Library, the NJ Center for Visual
Arts, and the YMCA.
The committee invites everyone who wants to be involve to
contact Margareta Paslaru at:
"M"Soul Productions (908)273-4729 or mpaslaru@home.com
Honorary Chairs: Mayor Walter Long & Mayor Willie L.Brown, Jr.
Co-Chairs: Joyce D.Margie & Margareta Paslaru.
The Summit
Collection- July 2001
International Children's Day Is Official in Summit!
By Susan Smith
"Whereas, this
holiday should be recognized by everyone, regardless of their political
affiliation, religious preference, organization membership, or school,
and "Whereas, now more then ever, when violence and tragic
events in schools are taking place with increased frequency, we should
all reflect about ourselves and about our children. Now, therefore, I, Walter D.Long, Mayor of the City of Summit, do
here proclaim June 1, 2001, as "INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S
DAY" in the City of Summit and ask all citizen to take a moment
to remember the children and consider them as we go about our daily
activities and present ourselves as good role models."

L-R:Karen Honold, Scout Leader, with Girl Scouts from Troop 135 Cub
Scouts from Pack 360, Gail Callahan, Gail Everling, Mayor Walter Long,
Joyce Margie, and Joanne Tedesco-Kloud join Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici
at the microphone as she accepts the Mayor's Proclamation for
International Children's Day in Summit.
June 1st-International Children's Day-was
celebrated in Summit at a party hosted by Overlook Hospital and Lisa
Ciarrocca, child life manager for Atlantic Health System, on May 31st in
their day-care center and on June 1st, in the Pediatric Activity Center.
As reported in our May issue, Summit's Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici, TV36
director, recording artist, and mother, has been working for ten years
to bring equal attention to all the children by celebrating them and
their spirit on June 1st. All her dedication, persistence and hard work
has finally paid off! Proclamations have been signed by Mayor Walter
Long, as well as Mayor Willie Brown Jr.of San Francisco, where this day
was first celebrated in the U.S.in 1929, and acting Gov.Donald
DiFrancesco, naming International Children's Day as a day to be
celebrated on June 1 in their respective communities.Margareta is
working hard to get this day recognized on a national level. Rumor
has it there may be some progress toward this end even as we speak! We
will keep you posted.
The thrilling thing about Paslaru-Sencovici's efforts is that something
wonderful and tangible and on-going has come out of it. In addition to
the official day of observance, Summit councilwoman Joyce Margie, who
has been championing Paslaru-Sencovici's dream. has spearheaded a
"gently used" musical instrument drive for the needy children. Burgdorff Realtors
Joanne Tedesco-Kloud arranged for their Springfield Ave.location to be a
drop off spot, and John W.Cooper of Summit Area Public Foundation has
established a fund to sponsor a June 1st Music Camp for the needy
kids."The Summit Ladies" (weekly volunteers at the Community
Food Bank of NJ)will collect the instruments from Burgdorff and
take them to the Community Food Bank to be dispersed to needy children.
It is Margareta's hope to complete a special song she is composing for
International Children's Day, then have the children practice on
the instruments, and hopefully record and produce a CD that will be
available for purchase by December, 2001!.The net profit from the sale
of this recording effort will go towards the music camp. Scotti's Record
Shop has promised to be part of the launch by promoting it in their 5
Summit should be proud of the selfless efforts of this special woman-a
woman with passion and love and desire to make a difference in the way
we raise our children. Her dream is to put an end to the senseless
violence we heard and read about in this country on practically a daily
basis. "I truly believe that the way we are raising our children
today is the way they will lead us tomorrow"
The Star Ledger - Thursday,
June 14, 2001
Children's Day makes its U.S.
debut in Summit
By Patty Everett
Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici
didn't grow up with the question on her lips that millions of children
ask each year around Mother's Day or Father's Day:"Why isn't there
a Children's Day?" So she never heard the pat answer that has
passed from generation to generation:"Because every day
is Children's Day." Instead, the Summit resident heard songs in
the streets of
her native Romania on June 1st - the day that there, and in
other parts
of the world, is officially known and celebrated as
Children's Day. "This was a very joyful and simple kind of
celebration,"Paslaru said. "There was a ballon parade, songs
and dances and arts and sports." In short, is was a celebration
akin to that of a child's birthday party - similar, in
fact, to two recent events she was the impetus behind at
Hospital in Summit. Althogh the day is celebrated in roughly 25
countries, it's "a day that is missing from the American
calendar," said Paslaru, who aims to get the day officially
recognized on the national level. Locally, Paslaru has obtained
proclamations from acting Gov.Donald DiFrancesco naming June 1st
International Children's Day in New Jersey as well as from
Summit Mayor
Walter Long. The latter was on hand for a party at Overlook's
center May 31. The next day, there was an other party for
patients in
the hospital's Pediatric Activitty Center. "I think it's a
wonderful idea" said Christine Manning, a child life specialist
the Pediatric Activitiey Center. Manning was on deck both days
to help
set up the parties, which included food, a clown, a magic show,
face-painting, games, prizes and giveaways. (...) A registered
nurse in the hospital's pediatric unit,
Palmarozzo agreed that a special day for children was a "neat
idea," despite having been told numerous times by her mother
every day was Children's Day. Lisa Ciarrocca, child life manager
Atlantic Health System -of which Overlook and Morristown
Hospital are a part - said she will honor the day every year in
all of
Atlantic's pediatrics units. Simultaneous with with the June 1st
event, Morristown Memorial's child life program was holding its own
gala to
mark the day, said Coarrocca, who brought along her daughter,
21-month-old Callie, to join the festivities.
The parties at Overlook were among a number of events planned around
International Children's Day. One of them, a used musical instrument
drive benefiting children from the Kids Kafes of the Community FoodBank
of New Jersey, was the brainchild of Summit Councilwoman Joyce Margie,
Paslaru said. "I started composing a special song for June 1, and
next year it will be performed by children who received the musical
instruments," Paslaru said. "All of this is going to be
recorded on a CD, and the monies will go to a special Children's Day
music camp for the needy." Scotti's music store has promised to
launch the CD in its four stores in Summit, Gillette, Morristown and
Madison. In addition, the Romanian-born actress and pop star is using
her expertise as a producer/director for Channel 36 to promote the day.
Footage she has taken for a documentary that features children from 12
New Jersey localities will be used as the "archives"of the
June 1 International Children's Day in the United States, she said.
During her efforts to reach out to all 50 states, Paslaru has received
feedback from people in Omaha, Nebraska and Portland, Oregon who have
planned events for the day. In San Francisco - where the day had its
roots in 1929 - Mayor Willie Lewis Brown Jr. has proclaimed June 1,
2001, as International Children's Day. Paslaru said she dreams that
marking the day and bringing more attention to the children might help
to avoid the senseless violence now taking place across the country.
"I trully believe that the way we are
raising them today is the same way they are going to lead us tomorrow. I
truly believe that they are a reflection of us...and if things go wrong,
we have to wonder why."
Summit Observer –Thursday,
April 5, 2001
seeks to celebrate children
Joan M. Devlin
Staff Writer
Dream is to honor children: all children everywhere, with an established
International Children’s Day, and she has worked for years to make the dream a
reality. Summit resident Margareta Paslaru, Romanian-born entertainer and
current head of “M” Soul Productions, wants June 1 of every year to be
Children’s Day, set aside in the same way that Mother’s Day and Father’s
Day observed. “We need to bring more people into participation for the
International Children’s Day of June 1st because it has already
been set aside by many other countries all around the world,” said Paslaru.
She is not just wishing for this: she is working through her own company and
also with Arlene Sullivan and Mary Ann Martello of Changing Images Art
Foundations Inc., who as a committee will reach out to all 50 states to involve
them in the day of recognition. Paslaru also is known in Summit as the
director/producer of TV-36, which covers
Common Council meetings among many other events in the City of Summit.
She and Sullivan and Martello will combine creative talents in the promotion.
Paslaru loves to read stories to children, and volunteers at Overlook Hospital
once a week to do just that, to make sick children smile. She acts out the
stories as she reads, using her backround as an actress/singer in Romania.”
Children are the same all over; they love this.”
In 1996, Paslaru received an honorary award and membership to UNICEF for her
promotion of music and art for the protection of children. Her philosophy is
simple. ”When we are young, we struggle to make a name for ourselves: becoming
mature, we must use the name in helping others.”
insists, however, that this promotion of an International Children’s Day does
not involve money; only recognition.
She is creating a series of documentaries about International
Children’s Day to begin airing this spring, and is writing the music for a
special children’s song, inspired by Sullivan’s children’s book entitled
‘The Journey of Hanna Heart,” and Sullivan is also creating a mural.
“However, the main object of our committee is to gain support from people
throughout the United States so that we can add our country to the expanding
list of those countries who already celebrate June 1 as Children’s Day,”
said Paslaru. She encourages ideas and events that others may create. She and
her associates have contacted the school boards and everyone is asked to join in
special events on that day. She has requested Summit Mayor Walter Long to
proclaim June as Children’s Month, which he has promised to do at the 17 April
Common Council meeting. For information about ways to participate in the
activities, or to bring your own ideas to share, call Paslaru at 273-4729 .
Independent Press – April 18, 2001
helps organize Children’s Day
Timothy Jecko
AREA – Margareta Paslaru has a knack for making news. Perhaps
she was born with it. This time, she’s taking on Alaska, Hawaii and
all the contiguous 48 states as she attempt to bring us into line with
more than 25 countries already observing the June 1st
celebration of International Children’s Day. Ms. Paslaru, a Summit
resident for 18 years, is a formidable force when it comes to stirring
up excitement in local or international media. Born in Romania, she
became a pop music star as
a young woman, successful as a singer, songwriter, and lyricist in 13
languages. The den of her deceptively tranquil home overflows with
photographs, citations, posters, clippings, scrapbooks and other
mementos of her impressive career. One can imagine the energy which she
must have generated in those days. To anyone near her colleagues race to
keep up with her production schedule, her driven and ambition are
sometimes overwhelming, certainly anything but diminished. “When we
are young” she admits, ”we struggle to make a name for ourselves.
Becoming mature, we must use the name in helping others.” No one, it
seems, is immune to her rapid-fire, all-encompassing enthusiasm.
“Nobody I have spoken with knows about the Children’s Day
celebrations , ”she said recently, “or the fact that is started in
the United States, in 1925. On June 1st of this year, in
Monterey Heights area of San Francisco, Wang Yunxiang, the Chinese
consul general, gathered 60 former Chinese orphans and their
families to celebrate one of China’s most popular holiday. That same
year, perhaps coincidentally, representatives from 54 countries attended
the World Conference for the Well Being of Children in Geneva,
Switzerland, and passed the Geneva Declaration protecting children. ”
It is from these events that the international observance evolved,”
she said, “and its beginnings are described in ‘A Children’s Day
Gift,’ by Evelyne McNamara. I have been working for 10 years to bring
Children’s Day to USA,” she continued. “It seems natural to me; I
grew up with it.” Ms. Paslaru, the founder and entire staff of her
umbrella organization, “M” Soul Productions, is also the creator and
resident director, producer, editor, crew, camerawoman, prompter and on
camera spokesperson on the series “Human Mosaics” on cable station
TV-36. In it, she showcases the importance of local artistic, cultural
and humanitarian pursuits Not
surprisingly, she’s using her show
to promote International Children’s Day in the USA, her latest
project. Her efforts are gathering steam, and for this project she has
help, in Arlene R.B. Sullivan and Mary Anne Martello of Changing Images
Art Foundation, Inc. The goal of Changing Images is to bring comfort to
people, young and old, who are in traditional institutional settings,
such as hospitals. ”Through interactive art activities with patients
and volunteers,” says Ms. Sullivan, “we are able to transform bleak
empty walls into colorful surroundings, leaving each facility with
professional-looking murals that they have helped create.” The idea of
involving everyone-patients, residents, family members, medical staff,
volunteers-is” medicine for the soul”. “They are painting
beautiful murals for Children’s Day,” says Ms. Paslaru of her
partner’s efforts, “with children from different schools,”
including the Cedar Hill Elementary School in Towaco, and Bayley-Ellard
High School in Madison, whose work will be exchanged with a mural from a
hospital in Bucharest.
In addition, Ms. Paslaru is composing a special
children’s song for next year’s celebration dedicated to June 1st. The CD containing the song will be on sale at all
Scotti’s Record Shops, with proceeds donated to a special fund to help
send less fortunate children to a summer camp. “People from all parts
of the country are invited to join in a simultaneous
spirit-of-solidarity celebration
of children, ”says Ms. Paslaru. “The activities need not be
extravagant; it could be something as simple as a song, a dance, a sport
activity , or volunteers reading to children in a library or a hospital.
It could be activities that are already on the calendar, which might be
re-scheduled, or at least dedicated to the weekend of June 1st.”
"The Summit
May 7, 2001
By Susan Smith
If you see pink and blue balloons
outside the merchant's stores in Summit during the first week in June,
it is not because the stork is making a guest appearance! It is Summit
celebrating International Children's Day.Romanian-born
singer, composer and 18-year Summit resident, Margareta
Paslaru-Sencovici has been trying to promote International Children's
Day in the USA for years. In over 25 countries, it is observed on June
1st. Margareta remembers balloons parades as a child in her country, and
with the help of Arlene Sullivan of Changing Images Art Foundations,
Inc. is getting the ball rolling here by inviting all the governors to
support this request to make June 1st an official holiday. Many have
jumped on the bandwagon, including Summit's mayor Walter Long who
declared that June 1st would be set aside in Summit for International
Children's Day. The kick off ceremony will be held at Overlook
Hospital's day care center on May 31. Pediatric Director Lisa Ciarrocca,
children, patients, staff, Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici, councilwoman
Joyce Margie, and Mayor Long will sing, read poetry and paint to
celebrate the spirit of children.
Don't miss "M"Soul Production's (Paslaru-Sencovici's
company) film documentaries, "Human Mosaics" and
"Summit's Rhapsody," on TV-36 and 57, highlighting children's
activities performed all over New Jersey, in honor of International
Children's Day.
Thursday, May 31 – 2001 “Summit Observer”
Drive gives needy children the gift
of music
By Joan M. Devlin - Staff
“We must give them food for
their spirit as well as food for their
stomachs, as music heals: it is a wonderful outlet for troubles
and anxieties.” –
Margareta Paslaru
The Used Musical Instruments
Drive is just one part of all the special events planned to celebrate
International Children’s Day on Friday. Margareta Paslaru, producer/ director
of Channel 36, had the idea of giving needy children musical
instruments, along with the other events she is spearheading on
Children’s Day. Mayor Walter Long made in official at the last Common
Council meeting when he actually declared June 1st
“International Children’s Day in Summit”. “We are asking everyone in Summit
to go into their attics, store rooms and closets to find a used musical
instrument they no longer
use or play, but which would bring great joy to a child who can never
afford to buy an instrument, ”said Paslaru. The gift of music will
feed the hearts of children who are needy, and who are cared for through
the Children’s Division of the Community Food Bank of New Jersey in
Hillside. (…) The used musical instruments of
all kinds will be donated and distributed through the Kids’ Cafes, and
after school program for inner city children. A group of Food Bank
volunteers will pick up the instruments
each week and take them
down to the Food Bank in
Hillside; among them Councilwoman Joyce Margie who volunteers at
the Community Food Bank every Friday . Paslaru, who was an
actress/performer in her native Romania, and still performs on occasion
will be donating her time and talent to work with the children in the
Kids Café program to help them develop their musical abilities. (….)
Each café feeds a hot nutrition evening meal five days a week at
absolutely no cost,” said Meara Nigro,
communication director at Community Food Bank. (….) Now, beginning in one of the Newark
sites, they also will be able to receive and learn to use musical
instruments. Paslaru will be there to personally instruct, help and
encourage them. ”It will be light music; whatever they are comfortable
with and now we have the instruments to make a band, and study, and
experience the joy that music can bring"” Transporting the
instruments once they are collected at the various locations will be
handled by a group of Community Food Bank volunteers affectionately
called “The Summit Ladies,” because they are always at the center in
Hillside on Fridays. In adition to Margie, there is Pat Steadman, Gail
Callahan and Mona Baldwin.
Everyone is sharing Paslaru’s
enthusiasm on the project, including Board of Education President David
Bomgaars who came to tell them that children in all grades took memos
home asking parents to send them back with used musical instruments they
no longer need. ”In fact, I will bring in my own old set of drums,”
said Boomgaars. “There
is a strong connection between students who participate in music and
their academic achivement”.
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