In ultimii ani Margareta Paslaru a trecut si in spatele camerei de luat vederi filmand, regizand si producand la "M" Soul Productions, emisiuni documentare pentru TV 36. Pe langa propriile creatii, Margareta a colaborat - in calitate de regizor artistic - la numeroase emisiuni, printre care: Summit is Special, Murph and the Mayor, M. L. King Jr., Millburn View, Moments in Summit, and Hello Dolly - rehearsals.
Scoala Nr. 12 "Decebal" din Craiova reprezinta Romania la expozitia Art Exchange 2005 - USA. Comitetul de organizare a Zilei Internationale a Copilului multumeste participantilor la expozitia anuala Art Exchange. Printre primele desene sosite de pretutindeni, se numara cele din Knoxville, Tennessee, si Craiova. Sub indrumarea doamnei invatatoare Camelia Ionele, elevii clasei a IV-a C. a scolii Decebal ne-au trimis lucrari inspirate executate in culori vibrante demonstrand inca o data talentul tinerei generatii. Le multumim tuturor: Micu Dorin, Lungoci Iulia-Andra, Veliscu Andreea, Tanciu Teona, Ene Roxana, Stefan Maria, Tudoran Maria-Mirabela, Veverita Cristina, Micu Diana si Lapadus Monica. Sincere felicitari! |
Summit's Rhapsody #62 |
The Independent Press - October 6, 2004 Calvary Church show airs on TV SUMMIT - A show about the 150th anniversary of Calvary Episcopal Church in Summit will air through October on TV-36. Billed by its producer, city resident Margareta Paslaru, as a "celebratory mini-documentary," the program features extensive footage of events that have marked the occasion, in addition to historic photos of the church. The show will air on Wednesdays at 6 and 9 p.m., on Thursdays at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and on Saturdays at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. The Independent Press - September 22, 2004 TV-36 "Rhapsody" features projects funded by foundation (excerpt) SUMMIT - "Summit Area Public Foundation, Part III," a documentary by "M"Soul Productions, will be aired on TV-36 through September. The documentary highlights community organizations which benefited from Summit Area Public Foundation funds. One program, which is feature in the piece is Project Learn, a partnership among the Summit Schools, YMCA, Shaping Summit Together, and Boys and Girls Clubs of Union County. (...) Margareta Paslaru produces and host the TV-36 program "Rhapsody", which features local community organizations. "Summit Area Public Foundation, Part III" is featured on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.; Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.; and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. |
Summit Herald - August 14, 2004 MUSIC CAMPERS - This summer, the Summit Recreation Center hosted its first International Children's Day Music Camp for beginners. Under the guidance of Clancy Lubrano, children learned to play the recorder and to read music. Then they performed new songs in a recital for parents. TV36 producer Margaret Paslaru Sencovici founded the camp with proceeds from her CD, "Our Day, Children's Day". Scotti's Music Shop sold the CDs, and funds were distributed through the Summit Area Public Foundation. |
Photo by Peter Kleinschmidt |
Summit Observer - May 27, 2004 It's the changing of the guard for schools board (excerpt) Summit Middle School hosted the Board of Education's annual reorganization meeting May 20, with music by the Summit school students. (....) Doing the honors was board member Gerardo Navia, together with Bushes, distributing resolutions of recognition to many people present. This year, some of the presentations were quite unique. Margareta Paslaru of "M"Soul Productions received one for producing TV36 cable shows in all of the schools as part of her "Human Mosaics" show about the public schools. Also, the award was for taping the district's All Music Masters, airing on "Summit's Rhapsody" this month. Paslaru also heads the International Children's Day efforts in Summit, bringing recognition to students in the celebration. "You have brought culture, art, music, and good will into our community and shared your talents and spirit with all of us; thank you," said Navia. |
Summit's Rhapsody Noticias Latinas (in Spanish) ICD Music Camp Summit supports our troops Ovarian Cancer The Recreation Center Arts & Humanities # 11 Critic Liz Keill, Sound design Jordan Wise Summit's Rhapsody Calvary Church, Bocce, Artist Helen Stammer Arts & Humanities # 10 NJCVA Ground braking Arts & Humanities 9- "Bridges" Montclair Art Museum- third part- Human Mosaics 70- Art Exchange International Children's Day Summit's Rhapsody - Bocce Preparing for Children's Day Noticias Latinas (in Spanish) Historic Preservation Summit Schools Spotlight Arts & Humanities 8 - Morris Museum Harp-Merynda Adams, Dance Innovations - Bickford Theater Human Mosaics 69 - Earth Day Cancer Survivors (in Spanish), Summit Schools Spotlight Summit's Rhapsody- All Music Master The Recreation Center Arts & Humanities - Friends of Mount Olive The Carte House - host, Patricia Meola Human Mosaics # 68 - Summit Schools Spotlight Black History Month Summit's Rhapsody - Legislators Meeting on International Children's Day - host, Joyce Margie Arts & Humanities - Montclair Art Museum - 2 Eye on the Arts with Bill VanSant Human Mosaics # 67- Family Promise, Karen Olson How to celebrate International Children's Day Arts & Humanities # 5-The Montclair Art Museum Women's Resource Center Human Mosaics # 66 - Calvary Church Summit Schools Spotlight Caroline Lindabury over the years... Arts & Humanities # 4 - Marguerite, Greg Cohen The Raptor Trust Summit's Rhapsody - The Men of Summit Calendar Human Mosaics # 65 - S.A.G.E / M.L.King Jr. |
SUMMIT OBSERVER Thursday, March 4, 2004 An award for excellence. Summit resident Margareta Paslaru, center, accepts the Gold Classic Telly Award for 2004, for her video production "Human Mosaics on Jerome Hines". As the winner of the national competition, Paslaru elected to share her award with her fellow board members from Summit Cable Channel 36, all of whom helped her celebrate. |
The Independent Press -
Wednesday, March 31, 2004 COMMUNICATOR AWARD The Communicator, an Arlington, Texas - based international organization on communications industry profesionals, has awarded Summit resident Margaret Paslaru Sencovici and her company "M"Soul Productions with its Crystal Award of Distinction in the category of educational programs, for her work on the TV36 show, "Forever Music". Above, the producer shares her award with the host of "Forever Music," Noel Werner. Mr. Werner is minister of music at Central Presbyterian Church in Summit. |
The Communicator Awards - Arlington
Texas An International Competition Honoring Excellence in Visual Communications The Award of Distinction is awarded for projects that exceeded industry standards in productions or communication skills. There were 2, 867 entries from 48 states, the District of Columbia and 11 other countrie, in The Communicator Awards 2003 Video Competition. The Communicator Awards is an awards competition that recognizes outstanding work in the communicator field. Entries are judged by industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry. |
Worrall Newspapers - Wednesday, December 31, 2003
The Independent Press - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Arts coup LAST INTERVIEW - "Arts and Humanities," a television show that airs on TV36, will present the last interview given by Metropolitan Opera star Jerome Hines. The basso, who died in February of this year at age 80, had performed with the Met for 41 years. Above, from left , are Joan Lowell Smith, a Star Ledger columnist; "Arts and Humanities" producer Margareta Paslaru Sencovici of M - Soul Productions; and Mr. Hines. "Arts & Humanities" can be seen at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Wednesdays, Oct. 22 and Oct. 29; and at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Sunday, Oct.25. TV-36 reaches homes in Springfield, Millburn, Short Hills, New Providence, Berkeley Heights and Summit. |
"ADEVARUL" - miercuri, 9 iulie 2003 Margareta Paslaru, la aniversarea a 60 de ani: "Numai publicul hotaraste daca vei fi sau nu vedeta" Pentru mine, a fost, mai intai, o voce, neobisnuita intr-o epoca in care se purtau glasurile dulceag-sentimentale in muzica usoara. Era grava, profunda si, atunci cand articula inceputul melodiei "Si-n apa marii...", te tulbura. Chiar puteai sa crezi ca, acolo, se petrece ceva. Mare ne-a fost mirarea cand, studenti la Ziaristica in cautare de noutati fiind, aveam sa descoperim ca glasul apartinea unei eleve cu codite si bentita, asa cum cerea Regulamentul Scolar. Avea sa devina, repede, numarul 1 in muzica vremii, sa fie o stea prin propriile ei forte si sa ramana in inimile romanilor vreme de 45 de ani, chiar si dupa ce s-a stabilit in Statele Unite. Astazi, cand implineste 60 de ani, Margareta Paslaru se afla printre noi. - Ai debutat la o varsta neintalnita in muzica usoara, anilor '60, cand abia intrai in adolescenta. Astazi, fetitele vor sa fiestaruri de cum intra la gradinita. Cand ai inceput sa canti, pe la 14-15 ani, aveai in cap ca trebuie sa ajungi, neaparat, vedeta? - De cand ma stiu, am cantat, pur si simplu, din bucuria de a canta. Ea mi-a fost incurajata de compozitorii nostri, cei care mi-au daruit creatiile lor, si de public, care m-a rasplatit cu generozitate; numai el putea decide daca voi deveni sau nu ceea ce se numeste o vedeta; pentru mine, nu a fost, niciodata, un tel in sine. - De-a lungul unei cariere atipice pentru un cantaret de muzica usoara de la noi, careia i s-a adaugat si statutul de actrita de film, de teatru, de compozitoare, care au fost sursele energiei tale ? -Teama de a nu-mi dezamagi publicul, pasiunea arzatoare pentru o meserie careia i se cuvin si respect, si demnitate, dorinta de a ma exprima. Ar mai fi ceva: ambitia de a nu sta pe loc, de a progresa. - Traiesti, de mai multi ani, in Statele Unite. Cei care au crezut ca, acolo, departe, te vei "astampara" s-au inselat. Stiu ca ai colindat Statele, cantand, dar te-ai lasat absorbita de multe alte activitati. Ai putea sa amintesti una, cea mai draga, din ultima vreme? - Nu-i simplu. Am invatat enorm, in domenii diferite. Faptul ca munca mi-a fost apreciata in Union County si de catre Senatul statului New Jersey, devenind una din cele zece "Women of Excellence" (numele meu este inscris la categoria "Art and Humanity") in 2002, mi-a dat curaj. In ultima vreme am trecut si de cealalta parte a camerei, ca realizatoare a unor emisiuni pe care le semnez, in totalitate, la TV 36. Pentru una dintre ele, "Impromptu Art", care seamana, intr-un fel, cu ceea ce am vazut, aici, pe postul TVR Cultural, mi s-a trimis, de curand, statueta de bronz "Telly Award" a celei de a 24-a editii a festivalului cu acelasi nume, desfasurat in Cincinnati, Ohio. Am fost fericita pentru pictorii prezentati in emisiune, asta inseamna ca ei vor avea o mai mare vizibilitate si in alt stat. Dupa cum vezi, chiar nu stiu ce este astamparul. Magda MIHAILESCU |
The Summit Collection - June 2003 Paslaru-Sencovici Brings Home 'Telly's to TV 36 By Susan Smith (excerpts) TV-36 Producer/Director Margaret Paslaru-Sencovici of Summit is the proud recipient of a 2003 Telly bronze statuette. The announcement was made at the 24th Annual Telly Awards, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, this March. Ms. Paslaru-Sencovici was honored as a Bronze Finalist in the CULTURAL-Cable TV category for her show, " Impromptu-Art The Best Of," whose subject matter is the exhibitions lectures, and art classes held at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts in Summit. For those who may not be familiar with the Telly Award, it was founded in 1980, to showcase and give recognition to outstanding non-network and cable TV commercials. The competition was later expanded to include film and video productions as well as non-network TV programing. Since its inception, the Telly has become a well-known, highly respected national competition. It is one of the most sought-after award in the TV, commercials, and video industry. Over the last several years, the Telly Awards has received in excess of 10.000 entries each years. Entries do not compete against each other, rather they compete against a high standard of excellence. (.....) The judges consist of a group of qualified professionals from all over the USA and represent a cross-section of producers. This was Ms. Paslaru-Sencovici's first submission of her work for this prestigious award. We wish her hearty congratulations and look forward to her next productions! |
The 24th Annual Telly Awards National Competition |
Emisiuni realizate de "M" Soul Productions pentru TV36 si Comcast TV57 in 2003
Summit's Rhapsody "Our Day, Children's Day" |
The Independent Press - Wednesday, January 8, 2003 (...) Those who missed last month's live concert of Advent music by the Calvary Chorale,
may see and hear portions of it on "Forever Music", on TV-36. "Summit's Rhapsody", produced
by Margareta Paslaru, will air this month, Tuesdays at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m; and Fridays at 7 and
10 p.m. The music on "Summit's Rhapsody" includes "Magnificat" by 20th century composer
Gerard Finzi, "Dixit Maria" by Hans Leo Hassler, and organ meditation by Marcel
Dupre. TV-36 broadcasts to Millburn, Short Hills, New Providence, Springfield, Berkeley Heights and Summit.(...)
The Summit Collection - January 2003 PSSSST... HAVE YOU HEARD? By Susan Smith Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici, the champion of June First International Children's Day, has a new co-chair, Councilwoman Kelly Hatfield, who is taking the torch from last year's co-chair, Councilwoman Joyce Margie. Summit's Brayton School, under the leadership of Principal Cheryl Moretz, will be 2003's new torch bearer representing the children of Summit. Last year Washington School students did a wonderful job performing the official song from the CD "Our Day, Children's Day" at the traditional Memorial Day concert, and creating beautiful works of art were exchanged with the children of San Francisco. This year Brayton's art teacher Mary Bruns will work with the 4th graders on 2003 International Children's Day poster and prepare them for the second annual art exchange. Already works of art are arriving from children all over the world: these will be displayed at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, Summit, where Sheila Stone will curate the show on May 30th. To get involved as a participant, volunteer, or SPONSOR, contact "M" Soul Productions 908-273-4729 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 908-273-4729 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or, |
Emisiuni realizate de "M" Soul
Productions pentru TV36 si Comcast TV57, in 2002
Impromptu Art - Access to Art |
Photo by David DeVita
The Independent Press, October 23 - 2002 BAND FEATURED ON TV SHOW - Summit High School band front members Zulekha Pitts, Nancy Chao, director Steffany Baptiste, Jasmine Norris, Stephanie Campbell and Fiona Owusu, and Shiana Accillien, Michelle Stelluto, Miaya Stephen and Katrina Samaniego celebrate another Summit football victory. If you missed seeing them during a Hilltoppers half-time show, you're still in luck. During November, TV-36 Summit Rhapsody "Forever Music", will feature the band, including the band front. The program is produced by Margareta Paslaru of "M"Soul Productions, and hosted by Noel Werner. The show airs every Wednesday at 6:30am and 11:30 PM, and Friday at 7 and 11:30 PM. The Independent Press, October 16, 2002 HAPPY 107 - Meta Black celebrated her 107th birthday on Saturday, Oct.5. A long-time resident of Summit, Mrs.Black has been active in the Summit community, as a member of the Fortnightly Club and National Pioneer Speech of New Jersey. Mrs. Black remains independent, living in her own home, with the help of a home health aide from SAGE, a non-for-profit elder care organization based in Summit. Mrs. Black is the subject on a segment of "Human Mosaics," produced by "M"Soul Productions, to be broadcast on TV36 during the month of November, at 7 p.m. and again at 11:30 p.m. each Tuesday, and 9:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The Independent Press - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 MARGARETA PASLARU PROGRAM PROMOTES FLOWER POWER SUMMIT - The gardeners of Summit are subject of "M"Soul Productions' latest television program,"Flowers Flowers." For this production, Margareta Paslaru of "M"Soul Productions interviewed president of the Summit Garden Club Betsy Gump. She also interviewed volunteers at Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit, and children visiting there on field trips. "Flowers, Flowers" can be seen on TV-36 on Mondays during July at 8 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., and on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. - "Impromptu" prezinta vernisaje de arta,discutii cu pictori, personalitati ale vietii culturale, lecturi, cursuri de arte plastice pentru copii, tineri si adulti. - "Gratitude" descrie activitati voluntare, aspecte din viata celor varstinici. - "The Food Bank", demonstreaza grija fata de cei nevoiasi si ajutorarea lor. - "Summit's Rhapsody 2000" surprinde diferite aspecte ale sectiei de pediatrie de la spitalul Overlook. Pentru acest nou serial sunt in pregatire urmatoarele emisiuni : -"G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation" -"Police and Fire Fighter" -"Young Musicians" -"New Beginnings" - "Human Mosaics" este noul mini-documentar/serial, in 2000. Reproducem un citat din presa americana: "The Independent Press" 5/10/ 2000 'HUMAN MOSAICS' airs on TV36 SUMMIT- Barbara AAronoff executive director of the Interfait Council for the Homeless of Union County and producer/director Margareta Paslaru of "M" Soul Productions, are ready for the second chapter of "Human Mosaics" television series.The program airs on TV36 at 7 p.m. every Tuesday during the month of May. The purpose of "Human Mosaics" is to help others by presenting issues about AIDS, the homeless and volunteers, as well as promoting the arts, music and theater, including a permanent segment on the arts, "From Liz's Desk" with drama reviwer Liz Keill. Noile episoade ale serialelor create de Margareta pentru TV36 si Comcast: - "Impromptu Art Center" - "Summit's Rhapsody 2000" - "Human Mosaics" sunt filmate, editate, realizate grafic si muzical, in sistemul digital. Canalul 57 Comcast Cablevision a preluat emisiunile realizate de Margareta Paslaru. Printre ele notam : - "Special Edition" - "Thank You" - "International Juried Show" - "Volunteers are a force! " |
"Summit Observer" ABC-TV Eyewitness News reporter, Stacey
Sager, left, is a cancer survivor who appears this month in a new TV-36
episod called "Victories", produced and directed by Margareta
"The Independent Press" A segment of the "Summit Rhapsody 2000" television series will feature the Arc of Union County's Child Development Center in Cranford. Young participants in the program are shown with Carlotta Holton, director of resource development and public relations for the Arc, left, and TV-36 producer Margareta Paslaru Sencovici, right. The segment will air every Tuesday at 5 p.m.and every Wenesday at 6:30 through January. |
John F.Bennet (in fotografie), Managing Director, North America Language Instruction, pentru Berlitz International cu sediul la Princeton va fi prezent in "Human Mosaics.
"The Independent Press" October 13,1999 Summit television producer Margaret Paslaru and Hillside executive director Kathleen Di
Chiara, also of the Food Bank in Hillside, prepare for their TV-36 cable production, which will air at
5 p.m. Tuesdays, and 6:30 p.m., Wenesdays, during October and November.
"Summit Observer" Summit TV-36 producer Margaret Sencovici, center, discusses highlights of the Overlook Hospital Auxiliary's activities with auxiliary business manager Nancy Kuhn, left, and Sue Mulin, president. |
In faza de post-productie se afla noul
episod "Victories!" " The
Star-Ledger" |
"The Independent Press" Wednesday, October 18, 2000
CANCER SURVIVOR-Stacey Sager, left, an ABC-TV
reporter and a cancer survivor,is a guest on the cable show called
"Victories", produced and directed by Margareta Paslaru, right.The episode will celebrate breast cancer survivors when it airs at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays in October on TV36 Summit and 6:30 p.m. on Nov.1 on Channel 57 Comcast. Ms.Paslaru will use a television slot at 6:30 p.m. tonight, Oct.18, on Channel 57, and at 9:00 p.m. Fridays on TV36 to air a "Fashion Targets Breast Cancer" show, featuring aspects from Saks Fifth Avenue charity event. In a third production, Independent Press journalist Liz Keill will join Bonnie Monte, artistic director of the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, and John Bennet, managing director for Berlitz International, when Ms.Paslaru produces"Human Mosaics", Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. on TV36, a cable station that also airs in Short Hills, Millburn, Berkeley Heights and New Providence. |
THE ITEM of Millburn and
Short Hills - November 2, 2000 Local author to appear on television RESIDENT EXTRAORDINAIRE - Township author Carlotta Holton, left, presents Margareta Paslaru with a copy of her new book. Carlotta Holton, award-winning journalist and author of "Getting out of Limbo - Surviving a Dysfunctional Mariage," is a guest on the Comcast Cablevision channel 57 series "Human Mosaics", produced by Margareta Paslaru, producer at "M" Soul Productions for TV-36 in Summit. The Show will be aired Tuesdays at 7 p.m.during November. |
Margareta Paslaru este poreclita "omul
orchestra"; ea concepe emisiunile, regizeaza, filmeaza, adauga
coloana sonora, editeaza prin iLINK intreaga productie in sistemul
digital si apoi o transmite pe postul TV36. Iata cateva din titlurile
noilor programe: * "Forever Music" un nou serial de educatie muzicala pentru toate varstele se lanseaza in Decembrie, cu episodul J.S.Bach; anul acesta se implinesc 250 de ani de la moartea marelui compozitor. Organistul Noel D. Werner, Minister of Music, este invitatul emisiunii. * "Impromptu"- part 13- Art at NJCVA; noi expozitii de pictura si sculptura. * "Good People" o emisiune - Special - despre generozitatea si ajutorul acordat oamenilor strazii; "Interfaith Council for the Homeless" din Plainfield, si "Market Street Mission" din Morristown, sunt gazdele. * "Human Mosaics"- sixth chapter- prezinta criticul de teatru Liz Keill si Temple Sholom, Children's Sabbath Service for "The Neglected Children of the World". Vor fi prezenti copii din intreg Union County. * Documentarul "Our Mayor"; un omagiu adus primarului din orasul Summit. |
Emisiuni realizate de "M" Soul
Productions pentru TV36 si Comcast TV57, in 2001
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