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The Summit Collection - July 2003 NJ Secretary of State, Regina Thomas, reads Governor Mc.Greevey's official proclamation declaring June 1st as International Children's Day. Looking on (L-R) are Summit's Mayor Walter D. Long and Co-Chair Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici |
LUMEA LIBERA - New York - 6 Iunie - 2003 ZIUA COPILULUI LA PALATUL ELISABETA (fragment) Aflam dintr-o corespondenta sosita la redactie, ca actiunea initiata de Fundatia "Principesa Margareta a Romaniei" de a organiza o sarbatoare a copiilor in dimineata zilei de 1 iunie, la Bucuresti, s-a bucurat de un deosebit succes. (...) Deschizand ceremonia, A.S.R. Principesa Margareta a spus: "Azi, de ziua celor mici, la palatul Elisabeta, 45 de copii auconstruit POARTA COPILARIEI. Invit pe toti cei mari sa treaca prin ea spre Taramul Copiilor, o lume in care pot fi intalnite dreptul la viata, la educatie, la asistenta medicala, la ocrotire parinteasca, la joc si fericire. Va invit sa ne urmati!" (...) Reamintim ca in USA cunoscuta solista ( si astazi, de asemenea, reputata activista culturala si teleasta in statul NJ) d-na Margareta Paslaru a inceput si sustine o viguroasa actiune pentru reintroducerea - la nivel federal - a sarbatoririi Zilei Internationale a Copilului, manifestare care a fost initiata intre cele doua Razboaie Mondiale, la San Francisco, in Statele Unite.
Margareta Paslaru, the organizer of Summit's Children's Day celebration, gets a special honor from Mayor Long, right, and a gift from the event's co-chairwoman Joyce Margie, pictured, and P. Kelly Hatfield. The ceremony took place at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts on Friday
SUMMIT OBSERVER - Thursday, June 5, 2003 Looking through children's eyes By Joan M. Devlin Staff Writer Except for one torrential burst of rain, the International Children's Day Art Exchange at the New Jersey Center of Visual Arts came off on Friday as a big success. The center was already packed with people, enjoying art and refreshments before the showers came, including the mayor and all the council members, as well as Brayton School children and others who were there to view the art exhibit.(...) Curator and hostess at NJCVA Sheila Stone welcomed arriving visitors and Margareta Paslaru, originator of Children's Day in Summit, was filming for Channel 36 and also greeting people before everything began. The art exhibit was global once again, including selections of children's art from Janney Elementary School in Washington, D.C., Summit's 2003 " "sister city" school this year, as well as works from England, Israel, India and Romania. Stone said, "There are 258 works of art from these children, all in the general age of 9,10 and 11, with several themes." (...) Most of the work glowed with bright color, and reflected upbeat and happy scenes. But there was one dramatic exception - the art from the children in Jerusalem. Sadly, the art there reflected what the children are living through: war. There were shocking pictures of bombs going off, flares exploding, walled fortresses and people with guns. One had a banner read "No more war." The curator said, "This was a shocker for us, but no surprise; this is what these children are surrounded with in Israel today." The theme of love and friendship was evident in the London exhibit, but there was also a graphic drawing of a huge umbrella, depicting the British climate, as well as several well-drawn castles. The Romanian exhibit was more mature, as children were just a bit older: fifth-and sixth-graders. Colors were bright with fruit and flowers as a theme, with people outside in gardens in beautifully drawn nature scenes. The art from India showed children celebrating International Children's Day with banners and songs. Celebration was evident and the pictures were happy and positive. (...) At 3:30 p.m., Vice Chairman of NJCVA and member of the Board of Trustees, Roland Weiser introduced the president of NJCVA, Eric Pryor, who stated that this year's exhibit was just as impressive as last year's. "The 258 works of art are an amazing representation of art work from all over the world. It is full of honesty and truth - such as the Israeli exhibit - and is what makes children so wonderful." He thanked Stone and Paslaru for the amount of work done on behalf of International Children's Day and then introduced Mayor Walter Long.(...) Long especially honored Paslaru saying, "Until three years ago, this special day was never really recognized but thank to this woman who has given hours and hours of time, we now celebrate it." Co-Chairwomen of the event, Councilwomen P.Kelly Hatfield and Joyce Margie, were also asked to come forward, and together they presented a gift to Paslaru. "More than ever, when violence and war are taking place, we should all reflect about ourselves, and about our children, and how precious they are; this is about them,"Paslaru said. Actually, June 1st is the international date for this event, but because this year, it fell on Sunday, Friday began the event. But there was more to come. On the actual day, the New Jersey Secretary of State, Regina L. Thomas, had promised to be a special guest at YMCA for more children's Day events. She kept her word, and was there to greet children and families who were at the Y that morning.
The Independent Press - May 21, 2003 INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY HAS CONNECTIONS TO SUMMIT( excerpts) By Liz Keill SUMMIT - Now in its third year, International Children's Day will be hosted at the Summit Area YMCA, 67 Maple St., on Sunday, June 1st. This year, Brayton Elementary School at the corner of Tulip Street and Ashland Road has been designated to represent the fourth grade. Principal Cheryl Moretz said, "It should be very exciting." A school poster contest\ produced a winner, Joe Weils, whose design of a tree of life represents the connection among all people. The founder of the International Children's Day in Summit, Margaret Paslaru, said in an interview, "Children see the world through such innocent eyes. Their drawings are wonderful, with doves and messages of peace and people holding hands. It's amazing how creative children are." Ms. Paslaru said she sees children of the world as building "bridges of friendship". A cornucopia of activities include art, music, sport and games, all designed for families and children. At 10 a.m. Friday, May 30, the Brayton School Chorus will perform "Our Day, Children's Day" during the Summit public's Memorial Day ceremonies on the Village Grenn. The song was written by Ms. Paslaru. At 3:30pm that day, opening festivities of the International Children's Day Art Exchange will be held at NJCVA. The Global exhibition includes selections of children's art from the Janney Elementary School in Washington, D.C. Summit's "sister city" for 2003. Ms. Paslaru said Kathy Keenan a parent at Janney Elementary, has stepped forward as chairwoman of the Washington event. On the global front, children's art from London, England; Calcutta, India; Jerusalem, Israel; and Transylvania, Romania; will be displayed. An added flourish this year was a recent visit from The Reverend Alpar Kiss of Transylvania. According to a member of The Unitarian Church in Summit, Rev. Kiss had been a fan of Ms. Paslaru's when she was an artist and performer in Romania. When he arrived in Summit, he brought 10 children's drawings with him to be a part of the exhibit. The Unitarian Church in Summit has had a partnership with the Unitarian Church in Transylvania for 10 years. Mayor Walter Long of Summit and Mayor Anthony A. Williams of Washington, D.C. are honorary chairmen of the event. The art exhibit can be seen from May 30 to June 7. From 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, Dance Innovations members will perform at the Women's Club in Maplewood to benefit Rainbows of Summit, which provides counseling to children who are grieving. The "Kids for Kids" performance will include choreographed dancing with flags to Ms. Paslaru's original song, "Our Day, Children's Day." During the weekend of May 31, houses of worship will offer prayers for the children of the world. Although International Children's Day has been celebrated world-wide, starting in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1925, the event has long been neglected in this country, according to organizers. Under Ms.Paslaru's leadership, the event grew from Summit to include proclamations by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in 2001 and 2002 and in Washington by Mayor Anthony Williams in 2002 and 2003. Through the efforts of Mayor Long, proclamations have been issued by more than 20 state governors. Co-Chairs for the celebration are Common Councilwomen Joyce Margie and P. Kelly Hatfield of Summit, Sally Ponzio and Kathy DiFiore of New Providence and Susan McCutcheon Coutts of Dance Innovations in Chatham. Also volunteering are Angela Jelesco of Champaign, III., and Gwen Loiacono of Wilmington, N.C. Ms.Paslaru said Phil Lindabury a trustee at Summit Free Public Library, designed the program for the event, and Millie Cooper and Eric Pryor on behalf of the N.J.Center for Visual Arts offered the facility to display the children's artwork. Activities will be videotaped for the "Human Mosaics" programon TV36 and Comcast Channel 57. Call Ms. Paslaru at "M"Soul Productions at 273-4729 for details. |
The Summit Collection - January 2003 PSSSST... HAVE YOU HEARD? By Susan Smith Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici, the champion of June First International Children's Day, has a new co-chair, Councilwoman Kelly Hatfield, who is taking the torch from last year's co-chair, Councilwoman Joyce Margie. Summit's Brayton School, under the leadership of Principal Cheryl Moretz, will be 2003's new torch bearer representing the children of Summit. Last year Washington School students did a wonderful job performing the official song from the CD "Our Day, Children's Day" at the traditional Memorial Day concert, and creating beautiful works of art were exchanged with the children of San Francisco. This year Brayton's art teacher Mary Bruns will work with the 4th graders on 2003 International Children's Day poster and prepare them for the second annual art exchange. Already works of art are arriving from children all over the world: these will be displayed at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, Summit, where Sheila Stone will curate the show on May 30th. To get involved as a participant, volunteer, or SPONSOR, contact "M" Soul Productions 908-273-4729, or, mpaslaru@comcast.net. |
Summit Observer -Thursday, November 14, 2002 (excerpts) Brayton brings joy to planning project By Joan Devlin - Staff Writer Founder of International Children's Day in Summit, resident Marguerita Paslaru is previewing plans for the yearly event, conducted on June 1, and Brayton Elementary School on Tulip Street has been chosen as the lead school in Summit's celebration. Councilwoman P.Kelly Hatfield is co-chairing with Paslaru, and both met recently with Brayton Principal Cheryl Moretz, who is thrilled to have her students involved in this special day for children all over the world. Mayor Walter Long is the leader for this coming event, the third year for Summit's participation. "Fourth-and fifth-graders will be doing a creative art project of their own choosing," said Paslaru, "under the guidance of the art teacher, Mary Bruns." The song,"Our Day, Children's Day" - words and lyrics by Paslaru - is at the heart of the event, and will be sung again next year by the Brayton School fourth-graders who are involved in the project. (....) As Paslaru said, "It is always children helping children at the chosen school" The event in Summit come next spring will once again be held at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, where all of the children's art work will be on display as it was last year. "In fact, we already know the date; is going to be just before International Children's Day, always June 1st, but on May 30, as it is a weekend," said Paslaru, who brings everything together. There is a liaison with two schools in London, England, through curator of the NJCVA, Sheila Stone, a native of London. There will also be a liaison with a school in Calcutta, India, through Nandini Sen Gupta of Summit. Paslaru, a native of Romania, is also arranging another liaison with a school in Romania, where Children's Day has been celebrated for many years (...) Brayton School is experiencing severe growing pains and a large renovation project is on the drawing board. Meanwhile, everyone has pitched in and used every available inch of space and they have done so with good spirits, according to Principal Moretz. "That is why this project will be wonderful for our children, knowing they are working with other children in other parts of the world who have many more problems than they do." (...) There is plenty of time and no pressure is on the children, but is never to early to begin this project, which grew and grew last year, when Washington School got involved with schools from San Francisco with the same theme. The catchy song has been universally loved by the children, and its happy melody has been easy to learn; they will be performing at the end ceremony in May. Paslaru is also a producer for Cable Channel-36, and she will make a tape of the performance and the final events come Children's Day, as was done last year." It is a day to honor all children, but also a means of helping other children, and connecting with them through art and song," said Paslaru. She hopes it will become a day like Mother's Day or Father's Day throughout America, as it is in so many other countries. This will be the third celebration here in Summit in 2003, and each year it grows from the preceding year. Councilwoman Joyce Margie was co-chair last year, and both she and current chair, Hatfield, fervently believe in the concept.
The Summit Collection - July 2002 By Susan Smith From left: Joyce Margie, John Maher, Jack Dunne, Walter D. Long and Margareta Paslaru The opening ceremonies at the Children's Art Exchange and Show at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, kicked off the June 1st. festivities. Councilwoman Joyce Margie and Madison, NJ's Mayor, Jack Dunn, look on while Summit's Mayor Walter D. Long announces that 27 Proclamations were received officially declaring June 1st International Children's Day. The overwhelming response was due solely to the effort of Mayor Long. He sent letters spreading the June 1st spirit to over 50 states, countries and municipalities. His enthusiasm, inspired by Margarita Paslaru-Sencovici, convinced half of the country's governors to declare and set aside this special day for children. Next year goal is to celebrate with the other half of the country and to have President Bush make this a national holiday! With the team of Long and Paslaru, how can he refuse? |
Summit News - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 |
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On Saturday, June 1st, the Summit YMCA
hosted a Hot Shots event in celebration of International Children's
Day. There to observe and participate were, from left, Summit YMCA executive director Bruce Black, Summit International Children's Day co-chairs Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici and Summit Councilwoman Joyce D. Margie, Congressman Mike Ferguson and YMCA member Jim Baxley. |
SUMMIT HERALD - Saturday, May
25-2002 "SUMMIT OBSERVER" Thursday, April 11, 2002
By Joan M. Devlin
Always ready to portray talent in others, especially children, Summit
resident and producer at Channel 36 television Margareta Paslaru
downplayed her own role in two recent honors she has received.
"If it were nor for the children and their natural talent, I
could not have done it," she insisted. "THE SUMMIT COLLECTION" -
April - 2002 We're all familiar with Mother's Day and Father's Day, but how many of us celebrate Children's Day? If a local TV producer, the mayor of Summit, and the fifth graders of Washington School are successful in their efforts, International Children's Day will be added to every America's Calendar. Margareta Paslaru, a TV producer and local resident, fondly recalls celebrating International Children's Day in her native Roumania. The day is observed in about 25 countries, but has never been officially celebrated in the U.S. Ms. Paslaru is spearheading a campaign to have the day recognized nationally and has enlisted the aid of Washington School's fifth graders in promoting the cause. Ms. Paslaru composed "Our Day, Children's Day," as a theme song for her campaign. (.....) As a further inspiration for her campaign Ms. Paslaru conceived of producing a CD featuring "Our Day, Children's Day" as its centerpiece. With Washington School as the host for 2002 Memorial Day ceremony, the Washington fifth graders were invited to be the recording artists for the song. They will also sing it at the ceremony, which is scheduled for May 23 at 10 a.m. "The children were so enthusiastic at the prospect of recording the song, " said Washington School principal Carol Friend. "It was really a unique opportunity they were being offered."Under the direction Washington School's music teacher, Marilyn Casale-Lee, the students began rehearsing "Our Day, Children's Day" for the recording. Ms.Paslaru videotaped the rehearsals and the result is a TV-36 program entitled "Human Mosaics: Preparing for International Children's Day 2002," which will air on Tuesdays throughout February at 7 p.m. Before the holidays, the students recorded the CD, which will be available at all Scotti's Records Stores in the area. Proceeds from the CD will be donated to a music camp fund that will provide assistance for music training for needy inner city children. Support on both coasts Summit Mayor Walter Long has shown his support for the effort by declaring June 1st as "International Children's Day" in Summit. And the campaign has already reached the west coast, where San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. has joined the cause. The two mayors are honorary chairs of the International Children's Day Committee, based in Summit and chaired by Ms.Paslaru and Common Council member Joyce Margie. A student art exchange between the Washington fifth graders and students from San Francisco is planned for exhibit at the New Jersey Center for Visual Arts in Summit in the spring. "The Summit Collection" - January 2002 A committee,
under the leadership of Mayor Walter Long, is busy making plans for
Summit's second annual International Children's Day on June 1st. The
highlights of this year's events will be the release of a new children
CD featuring our own Washington School's fifth graders singing
"Our Day, Children's Day". The CD will be available at all
the Scotti's Record Store locations with all proceeds going to
"The Music Camp Fund", at the Summit Area Public Foundation,
set up to provide assistance for a music camp for needy children. |
The Star Ledger - Thursday, June 14, 2001 Children's Day makes its U.S.
debut in Summit By Patty Everett Margareta
Paslaru-Sencovici didn't grow up with the question on her lips that
millions of children ask each year around Mother's Day or Father's
Day:"Why isn't there a Children's Day?" So she never heard
the pat answer that has passed from generation to
generation:"Because every day is Children's
Day." The Summit Collection- July 2001
"Whereas, this
holiday should be recognized by everyone, regardless of their
political affiliation, religious preference, organization membership,
or school, and "Whereas, now more then ever, when violence
and tragic events in schools are taking place with increased
frequency, we should all reflect about ourselves and about our
June 1st-International Children's
Day-was celebrated in Summit at a party hosted by Overlook Hospital
and Lisa Ciarrocca, child life manager for Atlantic Health System, on
May 31st in their day-care center and on June 1st, in the Pediatric
Activity Center. |
Summit Observer –Thursday, April 5, 2001
seeks to celebrate children
Joan M. Devlin Her
Dream is to honor children: all children everywhere, with an
established International Children’s Day, and she has worked for
years to make the dream a reality. Summit resident Margareta Paslaru,
Romanian-born entertainer and current head of “M” Soul
Productions, wants June 1 of every year to be Children’s Day, set
aside in the same way that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day observed.
“We need to bring more people into participation for the
International Children’s Day of June 1st because it has
already been set aside by many other countries all around the
world,” said Paslaru. She is not just wishing for this: she is
working through her own company and also with Arlene Sullivan and Mary
Ann Martello of Changing Images Art Foundations Inc., who as a
committee will reach out to all 50 states to involve them in the day
of recognition. Paslaru also is known in Summit as the
director/producer of TV-36, which covers
Common Council meetings among many other events in the City of
Summit. She and Sullivan and Martello will combine creative talents in
the promotion. Paslaru loves to read stories to children, and
volunteers at Overlook Hospital once a week to do just that, to make
sick children smile. She acts out the stories as she reads, using her
backround as an actress/singer in Romania.” Children are the same
all over; they love this.” (……)
In 1996, Paslaru received an honorary award and membership to UNICEF
for her promotion of music and art for the protection of children. Her
philosophy is simple. ”When we are young, we struggle to make a name
for ourselves: becoming mature, we must use the name in helping
others.” (…….)She
insists, however, that this promotion of an International Children’s
Day does not involve money; only recognition.
She is creating a series of documentaries about International
Children’s Day to begin airing this spring, and is writing the music
for a special children’s song, inspired by Sullivan’s children’s
book entitled ‘The Journey of Hanna Heart,” and Sullivan is also
creating a mural. (……)
“However, the main object of our committee is to gain support from
people throughout the United States so that we can add our country to
the expanding list of those countries who already celebrate June 1 as
Children’s Day,” said Paslaru. She encourages ideas and events
that others may create. She and her associates have contacted the
school boards and everyone is asked to join in special events on that
day. She has requested Summit Mayor Walter Long to proclaim June as
Children’s Month, which he has promised to do at the 17 April
Common Council meeting. For information about ways to
participate in the activities, or to bring your own ideas to share,
call Paslaru at 273-4729 . Independent Press – April 18, 2001
helps organize Children’s Day By
Timothy Jecko
AREA – Margareta Paslaru has a knack for making news. Perhaps
she was born with it. This time, she’s taking on Alaska, Hawaii and
all the contiguous 48 states as she attempt to bring us into line with
more than 25 countries already observing the June 1st
celebration of International Children’s Day. Ms. Paslaru, a Summit
resident for 18 years, is a formidable force when it comes to stirring
up excitement in local or international media. Born in Romania, she
became a pop music star
as a young woman, successful as a singer, songwriter, and lyricist in
13 languages. The den of her deceptively tranquil home overflows with
photographs, citations, posters, clippings, scrapbooks and other
mementos of her impressive career. One can imagine the energy which
she must have generated in those days. To anyone near her colleagues
race to keep up with her production schedule, her driven and ambition
are sometimes overwhelming, certainly anything but diminished. “When
we are young” she admits, ”we struggle to make a name for
ourselves. Becoming mature, we must use the name in helping others.”
No one, it seems, is immune to her rapid-fire, all-encompassing
enthusiasm. “Nobody I have spoken with knows about the Children’s
Day celebrations , ”she said recently, “or the fact that is
started in the United States, in 1925. On June 1st of this
year, in Monterey Heights area of San Francisco, Wang Yunxiang, the
Chinese consul general,
gathered 60 former Chinese orphans and their families to celebrate one
of China’s most popular holiday. That same year, perhaps
coincidentally, representatives from 54 countries attended the World
Conference for the Well Being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, and
passed the Geneva Declaration protecting children. ” It is from
these events that the international observance evolved,” she said,
“and its beginnings are described in ‘A Children’s Day Gift,’
by Evelyne McNamara. I have been working for 10 years to bring
Children’s Day to USA,” she continued. “It seems natural to me;
I grew up with it.” Ms. Paslaru, the founder and entire staff of her
umbrella organization, “M” Soul Productions, is also the creator
and resident director, producer, editor, crew, camerawoman, prompter
and on camera spokesperson on the series “Human Mosaics” on cable
station TV-36. In it, she showcases the importance of local artistic,
cultural and humanitarian pursuits
Not surprisingly, she’s using her show
to promote International Children’s Day in the USA, her
latest project. Her efforts are gathering steam, and for this project
she has help, in Arlene R.B. Sullivan and Mary Anne Martello of
Changing Images Art Foundation, Inc. The goal of Changing Images is to
bring comfort to people, young and old, who are in traditional
institutional settings, such as hospitals. ”Through interactive art
activities with patients and volunteers,” says Ms. Sullivan, “we
are able to transform bleak empty walls into colorful surroundings,
leaving each facility with professional-looking murals that they have
helped create.” The idea of involving everyone-patients, residents,
family members, medical staff, volunteers-is” medicine for the
soul”. “They are painting beautiful murals for Children’s
Day,” says Ms. Paslaru of her partner’s efforts, “with children
from different schools,” including the Cedar Hill Elementary School
in Towaco, and Bayley-Ellard High School in Madison, whose work will
be exchanged with a mural from a hospital in Bucharest. "The Summit
Collection" By Susan Smith If
you see pink and blue balloons outside the merchant's stores in Summit
during the first week in June, it is not because the stork is making a
guest appearance! It is Summit celebrating International
Children's Day.Romanian-born singer, composer and 18-year
Summit resident, Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici has been trying to
promote International Children's Day in the USA for years. In over 25
countries, it is observed on June 1st. Margareta remembers balloons
parades as a child in her country, and with the help of Arlene
Sullivan of Changing Images Art Foundations, Inc. is getting the ball
rolling here by inviting all the governors to support this request to
make June 1st an official holiday. Many have jumped on the bandwagon,
including Summit's mayor Walter Long who declared that June 1st would
be set aside in Summit for International Children's Day. The kick off
ceremony will be held at Overlook Hospital's day care center on May
31. Pediatric Director Lisa Ciarrocca, children, patients, staff,
Margareta Paslaru-Sencovici, councilwoman Joyce Margie, and Mayor Long
will sing, read poetry and paint to celebrate the spirit of children. Thursday, May 31 – 2001 “Summit Observer”
Drive gives needy children the gift of musicBy Joan M. Devlin - Staff
“We must give them food for their spirit as well as food for their stomachs, as music heals: it is a wonderful outlet for troubles and anxieties.” – Margareta